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  • Event Date: 02-Apr-2024
  • Updated On: 03-Apr-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 9
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Description: At St. Columba’s School, inclusivity and acceptance are paramount values embedded in every aspect of our community. In alignment with these values, on April 2, 2024, the Junior Wing celebrated World Autism Awareness Day with Class 2 and Class 3 students. The event aimed to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorder and cultivate appreciation and understanding. Teachers donned blue attire, the official colour of World Autism Awareness Day, to demonstrate solidarity and support for individuals with autism. This visual representation set the tone for the day's activities, underscoring the significance of increasing awareness. Through interactive sessions incorporating audio-visual aids, teachers led discussions and presentations to familiarize students with the characteristics of autism. The event's theme, "Everyone Fits in Here," sought to promote empathy and inclusivity among students, encouraging them to support their autistic peers. The students also participated in a creative activity by imprinting their handprints on paper, symbolizing unity and acceptance. Teachers also facilitated discussions on diversity and the importance of embracing differences. The World Autism Awareness Day celebration at Junior Wing was a meaningful and impactful event that raised awareness, where we strived to create an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and included, fostering a culture of compassion, inclusion and sensitivity.